Oct 26, 2022

Open Day a great success

Nigg Skills Academy hosted its first open day where we welcomed visitors from Developing the Young Work Force, Highland Council, Triage Central and Skills Development Scotland. The open day was to give an idea of the courses being run at Nigg Skills Academy and our development plans for the future.

It started with a welcome talk from Alastair Kennedy (Nigg Skills Academy, Chairman) giving the background to the NSA and how successful we have been over the last 10 years. Liam Sutherland, (Engineering & Construction Curriculum Leader from UHI North Highland College) and Ali Kennedy (Nigg Skills Academy, Business Development Executive) followed with an update and more in-depth discussion on the plans for new courses to be delivered at Nigg Skills Academy in conjunction with UHI North Highland College. Our final speaker was Laura MacMillian (DWP Employment & Partnership Advisor) who gave a talk relating to the NPORS courses currently being delivered and the link between DWP and Nigg Skills Academy to find meaningful work for students after they complete their time with us. We ended the visit with our visitors getting a tour of our workshop and classroom facilities followed by a tour in our Minibus around Nigg Energy Park.

The feedback has been extremely positive, and we will look to have a further Open Day at some point in the near future.

Open Day a great success