Start 2025 of with a BANG!

Start 2025 of with a BANG!
Our very popular SVQ2 Performing Engineering Operations and National Certificate (NC) level 5 in Fabrication & Welding course which will start on Monday 13th January 2025.
Don’t miss out on a chance for starting out a career in engineering.
A great way to Access Engineering, learn new skills and gain quality qualifications to help progress your career.
What will you gain from training with us?
At Nigg Skills Academy, you'll be learning from highly experienced instructors, providing you with valuable skills to help you succeed in many different industries.
From numeracy skills to welding processes, join us at the academy and we'll help you prepare for the world of work.
Ten of our last intake of students have gained apprenticeships with local companies.
Follow the link to apply or for more information!
SVQ Fabrication and Welding (SVQ & NC) SCQF 5 (Nigg Skills Academy)